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Grammar Scan. Diagnostic Tests for Practical English Usage.



3rd Ed. - 2008. — 198 p.

These are diagnostic tests, not grading tests or attainment tests ... best used for syllabus planning : to check learners' strengths and weaknesses in particular linguistic areas, so as to show what still needs to be taught.



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See also:   Practical English Usage. Michael Swan (2016, 4th, 748p)  


Contents Summary
Introduction vi-vii
Upper Intermediate tests 1 -64
Advanced tests 65-128
Expert-Ievel tests 128-191

What are these tests?
*Ihey are diagnostic tests, designed to be used with Practical English Usage (Ihlrd Edition).
They will help you lo check what you know, and what you don't know, about Unglish grammar and usage. Ry using these tests you can discover what you need to learn, and where to find the necessary explanations.
Ihe tests are at three levels:
• Upper Intermediate (29 tests)
• Advanced (29 tests)
• Expert (30 tests)
Laeh test has questions on one general atea of grammar or usage (for example 'past and perfect lenses', 'adjectives', 'articles', 'confusable words').
Using the tests
You can use these tests to check your knowledge of a particular area of grammar or usage. For instance, to find out how much you know ahoul the use of passives:
• Choose the level (for example Upper Intermediate) that you think is right for you.
• Go to the test on passives at that level (Test 9).
• Answer the questions.
• Check your answers in the key at the back of the book.
• If you get some answers wrong, the answer key will shuwyon where in Practical English Usage (Third KdHIon) you can find the explanations you need for each point.
• Go to Practical English Usage (third Edition) and read the explanations.
• Try the test again, preferably a few days later, and sec if you can now get more or less everything right.



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